I loved reading this day at the museum format! your takes on the fractal nature of exhibitions and all the associations and embodied responses they can provoke was fascinating and beautiful to read. <3 Would love to read more about those parallels you saw between the book you finished & the group exhibit Procissão!

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Thanks so much for sharing these reflections Emily! I'm working on some reflections about the book and exhibition to share soon.

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I love the weaving together of various threads you’ve done here. Beautiful reflections, and reminds me what I like about your writing: you see depth where it might otherwise be overlooked. I’d love to hear more about the book you just finished reading! Thanks for sharing. ❤️

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Oh thanks for these kind words Matt! I'm glad you like this style of post, it's really my best attempt to get my brain on a page without over editing myself. I'm still processing everything I learned from the book but will definitely try to share more soon!

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Thank you for taking us with you to the museum! I'm inspired to go see these, now!

I found the video fascinating, indeed, giving the feeling of an other-wordly life form.

I'd love to hear your take on the need for playfulness to create art. I try to include playfulness in my life, to keep that younger part alive, and i can see the link with creativity. Yet, I never thought of my cultivating of playfulness as a way to nourish my writing. What's your perspective on this?

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Jess!! I loved this and your recap and memories as you walk us through the MAAT. Honestly, there is something about museums that always feels like a portal. It's a chance to experiment outside of time and observe/practice taking up space or to create art with complete strangers as you shared. Galleries/museums really are a world of their own and this is why I love art gallery first dates - show me who you are while detached from the world as you are used to it, let me see you swim through and handle other people's art and history!

As you know I love the ocean and so I felt super connected to that last section- also, love you for falling asleep in the museum, what a Lisboeta you have become.

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